Image of Your Proposed Design Model

Side-By-Side Comparisons of Your Analysis Results

Your Recommendation for the “Best” Design Option
I wanted to create a design that maximized the use of natural light and limited the shadows cast on the surface of the building. With this in mind, I built all of my design as far as I could from the small building to the right which was casting shadows on to the near wall. I experimented with different shapes to see how the shape of the walls impacted the sun intake. I realized that the north most wall always got the least sunlight regardless of the shape. Having realied that, I chose the design proposal with the smallest north wall. This design maximizes the sunlight intake because the north most wall is smaller than in the other designs and the building is far enough from the adjacent smaller building. Ultimately, I chose the design that maximized the space while allowing for the most sun to hit the surface of the building.