Structural Framing Recommendations

Linked Student
Feb 21, 2023 4:09 AM
Property 1
ACC Folder

Columns: W10x33

Beam: W12x26

Beam System: W8x10 (6’ o.c.)

Floor: LW Concrete on Metal Deck


For my structural layout, grid lines that conformed to certain features of the building. First, grid lines had to align with the shape of the building (Lines 1, 6, A, D & F). Next, I isolated the atrium/staircase and elevator shafts with the grid lines (2, 3, B, C, & E). I added columns at the intersection of the lines and beams to outline them. Lastly, the beam system was added in spaces that did not have a staircase/atrium and elevator opening. One of the problems I noticed with my structural system is that the columns are exposed in the curtain walls. And some columns had to be placed in the middle of the room to avoid maxing out the beam span.


Atrium/Staircase View 1st Floor


East Elevation (Exposed Column)