Point of View Statements
Sara The Stay-at-Home Mom
Sara needs a simple, efficient, and permanent solution to dispose of her safely used frying oil. This mainly stems from the repercussions of her current behavior of pouring it down the drain, which is not only environmentally negatively impactful but also practically infeasible as it reduces the life expectancy of her drainage systems. Moreover, she constantly looks for ways to reduce her and her family’s consumption of fried foods as it does not align with the healthy lifestyle she aspires for.
Benjamin the Environmental Scientist
Benjamin eagerly needs to be able to throw out his used fried oil in the safest and most environmentally-friendly way possible. He has a deep commitment to reducing his environmentally-harmful footprint. The lack of appropriate disposal solutions impedes such dedication toward doing good for the environment associated with his oil consumption.
Jack the Junk Food Lover
Jack needs a method that is both easy to go about and does not require him to be physically engaged to get rid of their used cooking oil. He enjoys consuming fried foods because of the enjoyment and convenience associated with such consumption. He tends to be selfish and cannot care less about the state of the environment. He tends to justify his carelessness by reasoning that it is not ‘only’ his behavior that results in environmental impacts.
Fred the Frugal/Win-Win Consumer
Fred needs an environmentally responsible, yet more importantly, financially/materialistically rewarding method for disposing of his used frying oil. They would be willing to participate in the sustainable behavior of giving away their used frying oil to produce biofuel sustainably given appropriate incentives. This will satisfy his (1) cost-consciousness behaviors and achieve a greater goal of creating a (2)desire to reduce waste and lessen its environmental impact. These behavioral aspects can be harmonized into a beneficial practice with the proper incentive structure.”
Selected Point of View Statement
Fred needs an environmentally responsible, yet more importantly, financially/materialistically rewarding method for disposing of his used frying oil. They would be willing to participate in the sustainable behavior of giving away their used frying oil to produce biofuel sustainably given appropriate incentives. This will satisfy his (1) cost-consciousness behaviors and achieve a greater goal of creating a (2)desire to reduce waste and lessen its environmental impact. These behavioral aspects can be harmonized into a beneficial practice with the proper incentive structure.”