Module 4 - Rise or Shine

Please enter the following info in the fields above:

  • Your Name (just type your name, then click Create to add yourself to the list)
  • Paste the link to your BIM 360 folder in the BIM 360 Link field.

Image of My Model

Paste screenshots of your model geometry here showing your surface with the effects applied:

  • Flat Surface with image (base panel height of 1')
  • For 3 units: a second image showing your embossed or debossed surface (below). The left overhang display the debossed (higher brightness = taller) and the right overhang displays the embossed (higher brightness = lower).


The image mapped tot the structure is the Northern Lights, chosen because the structure replicates the waves of the lights. To create the embossed (right overhang) and debossed (left overhang) the image was first mapped to the panels. The number of panels in the U and V directions are adjustable for picture refinement.

The model is set up so the designer has the ability to flip and mirror the image across the Rectangular Panels. The two overhangs were treated separately for further customization but have the same parameterization options. The emboss values were calculated by subtracting the brightness value (scaled from 0 to Base Panel height plus a tolerance value) from the base height. The deboss values were calculated by adding the same values. The options for flipping the image and choosing the emboss/deboss effect are written as Boolean and code block options for ease of choice.