Interview Q&A (5 adult interviewees)

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Questions (and paraphrased responses) from 5 interviews w/ adult Starbucks customers:

What is your current profession?

  1. Accountant
  2. Retired, formerly worked as a compliance in banking.
  3. I am an IT professional.
  4. Stanford SRA/Undergrad Student
  5. Household Carer/Mum.

Does it sometimes take too long to claim your order at Starbucks?

  1. I don’t even go there, and I’m not a Starbucks customer. No say.
  2. In Hong Kong, the wait time is quite short. It also depends on the hour, if morning rush hour before work, it will take too long. But if it is in the mid-afternoon, I would because there are supposedly less congestion.
  3. Yes.
  4. No.
  5. Yes, sometimes there are quite a lot of people.

Would you want Starbucks to have more variety of food choices, excluding drinks?

  1. No. I don’t like Starbucks.
  2. That would be good. All they have is mostly pastries and some deserts. As far as hot food is concerned, there is none. Only cold food. I would want more hot food.
  3. Yes.
  4. No.
  5. Yes. They can introduce more soup options, smoothies or yogurts.

bonus response: “Their food is not great; wants healthier breakfast sandwiches.”

Are their drinks too sugary for you?

  1. Too sweet and too expensive.
  2. I don’t like their frappuccinos and lattes, even though it is all ice, it is quite sweet. Too much cream.
  3. Yes.
  4. Yes.
  5. Yes, they should have more healthy options.

bonus response: “Try to avoid Warm Milk (which isn’t on their menu); Frappuccinos are good but want to limit buying caffeinated and sugary drinks. Though they aren’t known for smoothies, it would be good but at the sacrifice of changing their brand rep.”

Do you think peers in your generation like Starbucks?

  1. Yes, I guess.
  2. Yes, very much so. I am from the baby boomers generation.
  3. Yes.
  4. Now no, but before yes.
  5. Yes.

Would you like to see new changes made in their menu?

  1. No, because I’m not interested. I don’t like Starbucks as I said.
  2. Yes, I hope that there would be an ongoing trend of changes made every month that may attract me to buy from Starbucks. I have seen some changes made in Hong Kong menu because there were used to be only caffeinated coffee drinks, but now there is some sweeter drinks that are too sweet. It depends on their special edition drinks that may attract my attention (sometimes on their app).
  3. Yes.
  4. No.
  5. Yes, more variety (quarterly, seasonal updates, rice).