
Interview 4

Who Did You Interview?

  • cousin

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • 37
  • woman
  • india ( village )

Key Findings from the Interview

  • Q1-When you think about sustainability what issue do you care about the most ?

A- do not really think about it

Q2- How often do you order online or shop retail?

A- 10 parcels a week

Q3- What do you do with the packaging material ? Do you make an effort to recycle it ?

A- Try to re-use some paper bags or cardboard but 70% goes to waste

Q4-If there was an option for biodegradable packaging for 1$ or less would you pay ?

A- No I would not , I would be expecting it for the same price or for free

Q5- Do you have waste segregation in your area ?

A- No and I do not make any efforts at home as well as I am not really sure on how the system works I haven't given this issue any thought


  • Does not want to make any hard changes or efforts to be environmentally conscious
  • Does not care about sustainability as she is unaware of the concept and the impact of it