Interview 2

Jun 22, 2021 7:01 PM
Submitted By
Sameeha Siraj
Property 4
Property 5

Who Did You Interview?

  • Dad

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • 40 years young.
  • Product Leadership at Google.
  • Loves technology and invests in latest models of Apple and Google products.
  • Born in Dubai and lived in India as well, now works at Silicon Valley.
  • Before COVID, worked at San Francisco, big city.

Key Findings from the Interview

  • Define Sustainability
  • "Sustainability is long-lasting without a lot of maintenance overhead"

  • When it comes to sustainability
    • What do they care most about/why is sustainability important?
    • "Number 1, cost. Number 2, durable product. Number 3, reduced waste"

  • What makes a product or service sustainable? What can the product designer do to make their product more sustainable?
"Reliable, High-performing, Cost-effective, and can't be more expensive over time. products need to be low maintenance to be sustainable"
  • What are some sustainable products and services you currently use? do they have any cons or inconveniences?
"I use iPad, iPhone, Cars, Netflix, Google search. Cons I see is that initial cost of apple devices is expensive and only work in their ecosystem. Comes with proprietary accessories, so it is inconvenient. It is sustainable but if broken, it is an expensive fix. My car itself is sustainable, but it leaves behind a heavy carbon footprint, so I should switch to an electric car, that will work the same, but be a safer option for the environment. Services like Netflix and Google have cons when they give you the same content over and over, meaning it is not sustainable since it doesn't satisfy your needs, which is the main goal of a product"
  • How can an average person contribute to making the earth sustainable?
"Cutting down on pollution and wastage— be more mindful in separating trash, in recyclables, organics and whatnot"
  • What are some new decisions you will make to improve your carbon footprint?
"I will only buy products from companies that have a deducted carbon footprint and a company mission to reduce global warming. I will use renewable energy as much as possible (solar lights, and I plan to purchase an electric car). I also plan to carpool more often to reduce the use of a car"
  • By making products sustainable, will we in the long run create less business, job, and career opportunities for humans?
"sustainable products might result in consumers buying less, and lead to less demand, and high supply. Say, factories become carbon-free and automated. Several people will lose jobs and the workforce of people will just be replaced by tech"