Vaishnavi - Module 8 - Part 1

Journal Entry For
Module 8 - Make Your Pitch
ACC Folder Link
Link to Student

Intended users

  • Architects
  • Project Manager
  • General Contractor
  • Design Consultants

Need you’re trying to provide a solution or support for

Replace this text.


  • Bottom Profile, dimensions
  • Top Profile, dimensions, twist
  • Building Height
  • Floor-to-floor height
  • Location
  • Exterior Wall Properties (Material, Thickness)
  • Window Properties (WWR, material)

Underlying logic of the model you’ll implement

There will be three options each for bottom and top plate profiles (rectangle, circle, hexagon). The user shall be allowed to pick one for each and set dimensions and twist. These geometries shall be lofted to generate a building design. From the building design created, the user can evaluate the building properties such as gross floor area, surface area and volume. Solar insolation shall also be calculated based on the location of the site. A small database corresponding to the materials shall be created, which plugs in the values of embodied carbon, material cost to estimate these values for the whole construction.


  • Building Design
  • Solar Insolation
  • Embodied Carbon (corresponding to the facades)
  • Cost
