Takuhiro Wakita


In this part, I chose the twisted rounded triangle shape to examine the impact of the height on floor area, surface area and cost.


Through manual simulations, I set the following values as a start point.


In Dynamo, I set the height as a parameter and tested 11 values ranges from 650 to 700 as shown in below. I am prefer to use excel files but it does not work in somehow, thereby I added the node to export the result to a csv file.


This table shows the result of simulation. One interesting observation is that Gross Floor fluctuates every two heights. Thus, the Cost values increase in a non-linear manner.



In the second part, I created round square tower as shown in below. And I chose the height and base side length as parameters to analyze this building.


To achieve the point, I generated this Profiles. This is determined by one parameter, named “side length.”


For preparation, I arranged each parameter as below. For simplicity, the mid profile is given some functions to keep the original proportions.

Then, I add a function to deal with two different parameters in the Dyanmo based on part1’s work. The height ranges from 650 ft to 700 ft. As for the base side length, it ranges from 180 ft to 200 ft in this experiment.

From the table, we can see that as the base side length and top height of the building increase, so do the gross floor area, surface area, and cost. We can also observe that the increase in gross floor area and surface area is not proportional to the increase in base side length and top height.