Design Project 3 | Team Posters to Print

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Journal Entry For
Project 3 - Team Elevator Pitch
Aug 7, 2024 10:52 PM
Last edited by
Warren Huang
Last Edited
Aug 15, 2024 6:51 AM
Please paste links to PDF versions of your 24x36 posters here by Wed, Aug 14 at 9am.
Neo-Venice (1).pdf22851.1KB

Design Choices of our Poster: Although there is not a lot of description in our poster, it is intentional. We know that posters need to stand on its own to be an effective poster. But with the less description, the poster invites newfound ideas about different interpretations of Neo-Venice from the audience. “If we think big, you also can join in on thinking big.” It means to empathize because we are all living under the same atmosphere as our climate is implicating our daily lives. Therefore, we hope to use more verbal and imagery communication to engage people’s curiosity about Neo-Venice. It is a process of asking questions through our poster’s Neo-Venice geographic location and its big-picture system from the “tip of the iceberg” to the history behind Venice’s devastating past from a major sea level rise due to exasperating climate change. What tools can we use to make efficient and robust energy systems off the coast of the Adriatic Sea? Nature conservation is evolutionary, and we hope to convey that Neo-Venice is a self-generative archipelago biome that complements with every human’s daily needs.