Please describe a domain or an area of opportunity that you’d like to use as the focus for the design of a PRODUCT, SERVICE, or BUILT FEATURE that supports or promotes sustainable behaviors and practices for INDIVIDUALS in day-to-day use.
For this first design project, focus your thinking on:
- a PRODUCT -- something physical that can be manufactured, distributed, purchased, and potentially held in your hand or carried with you.
- a SERVICE or APPLICATION -- something that you can order, subscribe to, or use (in-person or online) -- that will support and promote the sustainability and resilience goals of your potential users.
- a SPACE, PLACE, or BUILDING FEATURE — that supports or promotes sustainability in the day-to-day activities of individual users.
Please share your initial thoughts in a few paragraphs below…
The domain that I’d like to focus on is and
This area is important/interesting to me because….
Everyday millions of goods are produced in various industries and all require some packaging for it to be handled , packaged raw materials , fresh produce , FMCG products , cosmetics , fashion apparel and accessories to name a few but the list is very long as you may have started to think.
In my opinion all these packaging products can be made more eco friendly or biodegradable as all these goods are packaged only for them to be transported to the end user without damage , and with the knowledge and technology available to us i dont think this is an impossible or unachievable task
according to the united states environmental protection agency (EPA )
EPA defines containers and packaging as products that are assumed to be discarded the same year the products they contain are purchased. Containers and packaging make up a major portion of municipal solid waste (MSW), amounting to 82.2 million tons of generation in 2018 (28.1 percent of total generation). Packaging is the product used to wrap or protect goods, including food, beverages, medications and cosmetic products.