Design Project 1 | POV Statements

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - POV Statements

Point of View Statements

Point of View Statement 1 - Amateur Chef

The amateur chef (cooks 3-5 meals at home/week), needs to keep food fresh longer and streamline the storage/grocery shopping process, otherwise they will be less motivated to cook and grocery shop (whether via sustainable or not sustainable methods).

Point of View Statement 2 - Affluent Time Crunched Food Lover

Headline: Affluent Food Lover in Time Crunch Seeking Food/Waste Management Partner

Body: Serious food lover willing to spend whatever it takes to improve (reduce) food waste and continue enjoying the best food/recipes while spending the least amount of time thinking about it! Do you love managing grocery lists, organizing refrigerators, and getting the most out of left overs? If you answered yes to any of these questions please message me!

Point of View Statement 3 - Trying to Do the Right Thing & Save some $$$

Food and Farmers Market fan looking to create healthier and less wasteful habits (extra points if easier on the wallet too) because I’ve realized I’m spending way too much on food and throw a lot of it out.

Point of View Statement 4 - The Frugal Foodie

Middle aged, single (and lives alone), professional, who loves food and cooking and needs to minimize what gets thrown away and get as many meals out of their groceries as possible, because they’re living alone and don’t have the time or money to waste. Focused on their career and professional objectives, but committed to eating healthy and saving money, this user likes any crafty/handy/clever solution for achieving their goals. Seem more cost sensitive than most, but willing to spend <$30 on something that could improve their methods.

Selected Point of View Statement

You’ll select the Point of View statement that you’ll carry forward to inspire and guide your design work after our next class meeting on Mon, Jul 3.