Module 3 Template

Please enter the following info in the fields above:

  • Link to Student (type the first few letter of your name, then select yourself in the list of linked records)
  • Paste a link to the model that you uploaded to your ACC folder in the ACC Link field.

Image of My Model



Enter a brief paragraph (5 to 7 sentences) describing the features of your proposed design that you'd like to highlight here...

It is a 3 story house that I grew up in back in Mexico. The coolest part of the house it’s definitely the rooftop. It can be a pretty social place or also help during a quiet time for you to unwind. It also allowed me to practice my stair skills as it was a big part of the assignment. Also, regarding the rooftop, I was a little bit worried about rainwater accumulation in the rooftop. So I inclined the roof of the other parts of the buildings into the opposite directions regarding the social rooftop, while creating a simple glass cover that will limit the amount of water going to the house through the stair opening.

I created a toposolid, to mimic an uneven terrain.

For the inside I kept it pretty simple and I took advantage of the replication copying paste thing between floors.