Design Project 1 | Composite Character Profiles

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - Composite Characters

Composite Character Profiles

Composite Character 1: Base case Billy

  • A fairly straightforward guy who cares a bit about what he wears but not very much
  • Has some money to spend on clothes but isn’t excessively wealthy
  • Spends the majority of his time around guys
  • Is single
  • Wears basic clothes mostly, with some nicer stuff mixed in
  • Probably neutral on shopping

Composite Character 2 Fashion queen Kay

  • From Los Angeles, a city with a fashion focus
    • Specifically, from an area in LA (west side of LA) where fashion is particularly relevant
  • Is 60 years old but wants to be with the young trends still
  • Puts significant effort into her wardrobe and outfits
  • Enjoys shopping, maybe a little too much…
  • Likes to buy and wear nicer things
  • Cares a bit about status but mainly about looking good

Composite Character 3 Function and Fit Freddy

  • Doesn’t care a whole lot about his clothing, but still cares a bit
  • Could spend more money on clothing but tends not to
  • Has a few nice things but not a ton
  • Cares much more about function and fit than style and appearance
  • Still dresses presentably, but has a more limited wardrobe probably
  • Has a girlfriend

Composite Character 4 Clothing Connoisseur Campbell

  • Cares a lot about fashion but spends sparingly
  • Cares about quality, brand, and history of his clothes
  • Enjoys shopping but doesn’t make many purchases
  • Buys nice good stuff when he does shop, often vintage

Composite Character 5 One outfit Oliver

  • Wears the same thing everyday basically
  • Doesn’t care at all about his clothes
  • Probably owns a maximum of two pairs of pants and two pairs of shoes

Composite Character 6 Wardrobe merchant Mia

  • Has a massive amount of clothes
  • Buys tons of clothes
  • Wears very nice stuff, but also more basic stuff as well
  • Enjoys shopping
  • Pays close attention to trends
  • Likes to look good

Colin’s Comments: Just a little thought exercise - how might these characters behave in the Stanford Bookstore? Another aspect that might help define their character is their work-life balance. Where are the places these characters hang around the most? We will discuss later in the design thinking process, but the characters may be dressing to suit their individual stories. Another quick exercise is to think about their shoe preferences and choices.