Melissa Lopez

  1. your original building form
  1. the recommended building form based on your evaluation and analysis

Description: For my approach, I focused on the roof potential and how that can be a way to optimize the length and the width of the building. I first created a node that would allow me to change the inputs of the width and length when I created the dynamo geometry.


Then, I modified the outputs regarding the area, roof surface area, and construction cost, in order to get values that could tell me more about the PV dollar value vs the construction cost. Lastly, I weighed those factors: I weight the cost per square foot (total square footage) first priority, then I prioritized the PV dollar value came second in order to make sure that on-site solar production was prioritized. Lastly, I prioritized the cost of the square footage for the roof area only.


Recommendation: Based on these factors, the 350x200 (For width and length) is the best choice because it provides the most value given the PV output plus the cost considerations.


Node Logic:


Data Tables:


Green means ideal, orange is no good and blue is average. The best outcome was 350x200.