Design Journal Entry - Module 8

Journal Entry For
Module 8 - Structural Framing Systems
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Feb 21, 2024 4:46 AM
Last Edited
Mar 7, 2024 4:48 AM
Created by
Nini Giorgadze

Your Design Journal entries this week should highlight your design thinking that influenced your decisions about:

  • your overall strategy and the features of the structural system
  • the material and framing system selected
  • the locations of structural columns and major framing elements
  • any special structural challenges

Floor 1


Floor 2


Floor 3

Floor 4



Top View


Design Strategy: For my design strategy, I aimed for consistency across all floors, ensuring that columns and beams were placed in the same locations throughout the building. To achieve this, I first established grids to guide the placement of columns on each floor. Additionally, I inserted extra columns on the front facades to address the complexity of the design.

Material and Framing: Regarding materials and framing, I opted for Concrete Rectangular Columns (12 x 18) for sturdy support. W shape Beams (W 14X30) were chosen to efficiently distribute loads across the structure. Rectangular footings (72'' x 48'' x 18'') were utilized to provide stable support for the columns.

Challenges: Despite careful planning, I encountered a significant challenge in placing columns and beams on the front facades. The intricate design made it difficult to maintain continuity in these areas. Overcoming this challenge required thoughtful adjustments to ensure both structural integrity and aesthetic appeal.

To maintain a clean and functional layout, I made sure not to place beams where stairs and elevators are located. On the fourth floor, I left an empty space above one stair, as it was the only stair reaching that floor. I also aimed for a maximum beam span of 30 inches to ensure structural stability.

Overall, my design approach prioritized consistency, functionality, and structural stability, with careful consideration given to address any unique challenges encountered during the process.