Module 5 - Points to Ponder

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Module 5 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 2 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 2 of the questions below.)

What are the principal advantages of using a single building information model of the existing conditions as the foundation for modeling proposed additions or renovations?

  • Why not create a separate model for the new proposed design?

It already contains a lot of the information present in real life. Based on this information we can actually create simulations in a digital environment and “mess up” digitally for when the time comes, we could execute more efficiently in real life.

Specifically speaking about renovations and additions, it is really good to start from a previous model because as we discussed earlier, if we are creating demolition, through selective disassembly, we can actually leverage the information present in the model to actually create circularity by reintroducing the material in a new purpose.

What sort of complexities are introduced when you construct a building complex in phases?

  • What happens at the interfaces between the buildings as the phases advance?
  • How can you plan and prepare for these complexities as your create your initial building model?

When you build something is phases, you may have to hire different people to do the job that someone could do in a one-phase project. This because of the availability of the subcontractor.

Talking about availability, also material and labor (any resource is subject to differences in the supply due to changed conditions, between phases.

This is the importance of BIM, you have a centralized and collaborative form of information regarding the product, for you to consult during different phases of the project.

What are the principal advantages of using a single building information model of the existing conditions as the foundation for modeling several proposed design alternatives for a portion of the building?

  • Why not create a separate model for each of the design alternatives?

As we saw today, with Figma. It is really useful to compare different design alternatives to make informed decisions.

It is better to use a single building information model, because you can iterate faster.

In your project, which features of the proposed design did you choose to model as design alternatives?

  • Why did you choose these building features? And what were the biggest challenges in modeling them as the design alternatives?