Nicholas Hughan - Module 8 - Part 1

Product: Parametric Dumbbell - calling it the “Dubell”

Intended users

This is primarily intended for clients such as consumer product manufacturers that make exercise equipment for gyms and was actually hard to find during the Covid19 lockdowns with everyone working and working out from home. These manufacturers with such a file can determine the volume quantities of the alloy metals needed on a per dumbbell basis, and conduct their market analysis if such a product would meet their minimum margin requirements for their business model. This is also intended for engineers attempting to 3D print or CNC machine their own dumbbells (spare hobby with alloys).

Need you’re trying to provide a solution or support for

This is to provide engineers or at-home enthusiasts to practice CAD/Revit files and input them into a CNC machine or 3D printer for their own experimentation. I know of an engineer who actually purchased a HAAS CNC machine years ago, and made practice dumbbells to get familiar with the product, as he would say “sticking to the fundamentals”.

The underlying logic of the model you’ll implement

Started from the geometric inputs with the cylinder radius and heights for both ends of the dumbbell, as well as the pivot. The volume quantities will be used for the pricing of the material which is also an input. The cylinder radius and geometry translation will be used as a basis for the dynamo file for geometry manipulation, along with a solid area and volume to measure the surface areas and volume as the output.


The actual weights radius and depth, along with the pivot (handle) radius and depth. The price per material on a cubic centimeter basis, the number of chamfers per dumbbell, and the color of the dumbbell.


The shape and color of the dumbbell, as well as the volume, surface area, and estimated cost expressed in terms of cubic centimeters.