
Interview 1

Who Did You Interview?

Mayuka Kitada, Summer Session Student

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • Age: 19
  • Gender: Female
  • Undergraduate student majoring in medicine
  • Lives with family in Westchester, NY and Tokyo, Japan

Key Findings from the Interview


  • Are there anything you do on a daily or weekly basis that you consider sustainable? What is it?
  • Tell me about the last time you used something or went somewhere sustainable. Where was it, and what was it?
  • Are there any sustainable systems in your residential area? What are they?
  • If a sustainable system could be added to your residential area, which aspect would you think most should be applied?
  • Are there any changes you’d like to make to the systems around your environment?
  • Adapts a sustainable lifestyle - recycles into subcategories on a weekly basis
  1. Recycle, there is a compost system in community, school uses compostable plastic spoons and forks
  2. Always bring recyclable bag around
  3. not really in house, 60 years in NY but there are energy saving systems in houses in Japan
  • Solar panel on house, using electrical cars, but not everyone applies this type of lifestyle
  • Some communities in Japan even have 15 categories for sorting trash, but some just litter around in NY
  • Separate different types of plastics - e.g. hard/soft plastic
  1. start establishing more specific types of recycling, things that people put in landfill can be recycled, more awareness of recycling
  2. Neighborhood should do something with plastic as they cause a lot of pollution to marine populations; and even if you don’t run out of fuels, use an alternative to plastic; less containers/packaging in food
  • Chemical pollution is made after time from plastic, it affects fish and turtles(choke) and people who eat it(poison)