The revised model with facades
South Facade
North Facade
West Facade
East facade
Detail of North-South Vertical Shading Devices
Effectiveness to create a shadow on the external corridor of the shading devices
Material specification:
- Accessible Rooftop floor:
Total thickness 400mm
Resistance R: 0.263 m2.k/W
Thermal mass 321.68 kJ/(m2.K)
- Basic drywall (use for partitions)
Thickness: 110mm
Resistance R: 0.1538 m2.K/W
Thermal mass: 92.40 jK/m2.K
- Double glazing glass:
Thickness 90mm
Resistance R: 2.036 m2.K/W
Thermal mass 83.39 kJ/m2.K
- Retention Cast-in-situ retention wall
Thickness: 500mm
Resistance: 0.4780 m2.K/W
Thermal mass: 755.55 kJ/(m2.K)
- Solar path Study:
- Location of shading devices:
Submit this Energy Model to the Insight analysis and adjust with these options
- Operating schedule factor: BIM value
- Building orientation: 0 North
- Southern Wall: 50% shading
- Northern Wall: 50%
- Eastern Wall: 90%
- Western Wall: 90%
- Glazing facade: Double Low-e glass for NWES facades
- Light efficiency: 0.3 W/ sf
- Daylighting and occupancy control
- Plug-load: 0.6 W / sf
- Choice of highest panel efficiency, with 60% roof coverage and 30 years of payback time
Benchmark got 21.5 kBtu/ ft2/yr, barely meeting the ARCH2030 (17.7) and lower than ASHRAE (102.4)
Option 1: I just made a test for Level 1, The rendered illumination map is applied to the floorplan model. I chose the gradient style as Ecotect style. (I love this style since I have been using Autodesk Ecotect for a while and now it can be incorporated into the latest version of Revit)
It is interesting to see that the gallery with a transparent storefront has a gradient distribution of illumination from the South to the North and we can check to add or remove the shading devices for the optimized design.
Option 2: Use the Revit Cloud Render tool to produce Illuminance Renderings of three key areas in your building model.
I used Autodesk Cloud Rendering to render 3 interior views, using Summer solstice June 21, which is considered a hot day in Singapore to check the effectiveness of the shading devices
Referring to this requirement of illumination in interior spaces:
- Store environment: 5 fc
- Residential space (living): 5-40 fc
- Residential space (working): 70-90 fc
Proposal: To add more shading decides for the cafe space to reduce the illumination. The open office and indoor exhibition space have a good illumination