The domain that I’d like to focus on is….
plastic coat hangers. We all know the feeling of pulling our favorite hoodie from its hanger as the hoodie snaps the fragile plastic hanger. Where does this broken hanger go? Landfills. An estimates 8-10 billion plastic coat hangers are thrown into landfills every year. As such I believe there has to be a better solution to reduce all this plastic waste.
This area is important/interesting to me because….
plastic waste is one of the main pollutants in the world today. Plastic has been know to corrupt our water ways and food supplies, leading to cancer, inflammation and respiratory issues. Plastic waste has gotten so bad that more than 350 million metric tons of plastic waste are produced every year, almost a million of which are coat hangers alone. Therefore, eliminating waste from plastic hangers could serve as an important stepping stone to reducing plastic waste in a similar way that hair spray was a stepping stone to reduce ozone depletion.