Design Project 1 | Domain / Area of Opportunity

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - Domain / Area of Opportunity

Please describe a domain or an area of opportunity that you’d like to use as the focus for the design of a PRODUCT that supports or promotes sustainable behaviors and practices for INDIVIDUALS in day-to-day use.

For this first design project, focus your thinking on:

  • a PRODUCT --  something physical that can be manufactured, distributed, purchased, and potentially held in your hand or carried with you.

Please share your initial thoughts in a few paragraphs below…

The domain that I’d like to focus on is….

Manufactured textiles / the fashion industry

This area is important/interesting to me because….

I grew with an interest in fashion, but this interest has since been contradicted and overridden by my interest in sustainability. Thus, I am hoping to marry these interests and promote climate-friendly fashion practices and behaviors. This could take the form of rethinking materials themselves, at the production level, or helping consumers better understand the climate impacts of their clothing belongings or prospective purchases via an app or other information-based interface.