Design Project 1 | Interviews

Design Project 1 | Interviews

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Journal Entry For

Interview Findings for My Focus Area

✏️Friend 1✏️Friend 2✏️Friend 3✏️Friend 4✏️Friend 5✏️Friend 6
  1. What products do you presently use during your menstrual cycle?
    1. Pads
    2. Tampons
    3. Cups or
    4. Period garments
  2. During your average cycle, how often do you use this product?
  3. While making a purchase, what features do you look for in a product?
    1. Comfort
    2. Absorption capacity
    3. Price
    4. Material used
  4. What challenges or inconveniences do you usually face when you purchase menstrual hygiene products?
  5. If you were to come across an organic/sustainable alternative to the period product shelf, how inclined would you be to purchase that?