1. Original Building Form
2. The Recommended Building Form
3. Node Logic in the New Evaluator Node
4. Summary Table with Two New Computed Values
There are two new evaluators added to the evaluator nodes for the results of “Construction Cost” and “Solar potential at Building Roof”.
5. Importance of Each Computed Values
By looking at the importance of different values, the importance of each values are listed below for further analysis of the overall score.
6. Summary Table - Final Score
By looking at each computed values, say for 2[A] Gross Floor Area, the least value of area return the least score of 1 and the highest value will get the best result. Then, repeat the same process for 2[B], 2[C], 3[A] and 3[B].
The final score can then be measured by sum of all score multiplied by its importance value as shown in the table above.
For example of Case No. 1:
Sum of 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A and 3B with the calculation of “[Computed Value] x [Importance]”
(4 x 8) + (4 x 4) + (4 x 4) + (9 x 10) + (3 x 10) = 184
Repeat the same steps for other cases from Case no. 2 to Case no. 12. The final Score can then be calculated as shown in table 3 below.
The top three cases are highlighted based on the final score and the major reason is higher daily solar potential refer to the result of daily polar analysis in the dynamo.
7. Consideration of the Best Choice
The case no. 9 with Building Height of 600’ and Base Length of 35’ is considered as the best choice. The highest final score is 322 and the high daily Solar Potential at building roof is the major consideration for getting the highest score.