Module 2

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  • Your Name (just type your name, then click Create to add yourself to the list)
  • Paste a link to the model that you uploaded to your BIM 360 folder in the BIM 360 Link field.

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The field research station offers a fairly open floorplan with a sustainable building design in mind. The exterior of the building and the roof are light frame wooden construction, while the roof is sloped to allow for the placement of solar panels, and to follow a more minimalistic and modern design. There are many operable windows on each side of the building, to allow for the capture of heat and light, as well as for ventilation, during the day. Furthermore, the glass front door also brings in natural light, which can help to reduce the demand for electricity and create a more enjoyable work environment. The workspace for the researchers has standing desks that caters to each individual, along with ample space that allows for distancing and movement. The lab bench is located at the far end of the building, to ensure an adequate clear space that will not disrupt the workspace of the researchers. The research station also offers an ADA-compliant bathroom, ample storage space, and a meeting area with a privacy panel.