For this assignment, I decided to build a ‘shelter’ that is dug into an existing topography I’m working with for another class. I created a pavilion which is located below ground level, with a parametric curved roof that slightly slopes down towards the ground.

I used the metal tubing and rectangular aperture panels to give the shelter a lighter feel. The number and thickness of panels can be changed by using sliders within dynamo to allow exploration with various levels of light entering the space below.

The defining geometry are two curves that run along either edge of the roof, and a straight line through the spine. I used these three curves to create and divide a mesh-like surface in dynamo. I had some difficulty using LunchBox initially, since it turns out a recent update removes the need for the LunchBox.QuadGridByFace to be flattened. I was stuck with only the ribs and no panels for quite some time.

The end result feels like it fits well within the surrounding landscape. Even though this assignment took quite a while to finish, I am pleased with the end result and was glad to be able to utilize so many different functions within dynamo.