Xuhuan Zhao
Submitted For
Module 8 - Collaborative Modeling
Please enter the following info in the fields above:
- Your Name (just type your name, then click Create to add yourself to the list)
- There's no need to upload your model individually this week! You'll be working on a shared Cloud Revit model hosted in BIM 360 Documents.
Images of My Changes to the Shared Cloud Model
Please paste two screenshots here:
- an image of the new 3D view you added to the shared model in Revit with a brief text annotation describing the changes.
- a screenshot of the BIM 360 Documents model viewer showing the comparison between the version that you published (uploaded) versus the prior version.
Enter a brief paragraph (5 to 7 sentences) describing the features of your proposed design that you'd like to highlight here...
I think the building will be more presentable to the customers if it has a site feature. Therefore, I added some site improvements to the previous version of the model. In addition, I modified the wall on the third floor to a curtain wall, allowing more natural lights into the building. I believe this will make the building look more futuristic. Overall, this is a very quick modification to the previous drawing.