Interview 1

Jun 22, 2021 2:52 PM
Submitted By
Ashley Rose Pacek
Property 4
Property 5

Who Did You Interview?

My Photography teacher.

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • 40 years young
  • Lives in a semi-rural area
  • Has two children
  • Male
  • High school photography teacher

Key Findings from the Interview

  • What does sustainability mean to them?

"Sustainability means to keep something working for an extended amount of time."

  • When it comes to sustainability what do they care about most?

"I value sustaining the health of our planet and the cost of sustainability. As consumers if there is a guarantee that a product will be more sustainable and is healthy for our planet I do not mind paying a higher price. I value these things because I care about Earth and the environmental impacts of the fast-fashion industry."

  • Are you more likely to choose businesses that is more sustainable then its competitors?

"First, I use the green bin/compost bin for my family and I's food waste instead of throwing it out into the garbage. Second, I personally fix old and rundown household items instead of repurchasing items from the store. Third, my family and I use reusable containers and water bottles so that they do not contribute as largely to the single-use-plastic industry. Fourth, I try to buy locally to cut down on carbon emissions used in transit. Lastly, I try to not over purchase or buy non-essentials while shopping."

  • What would they like to be able to do to be more sustainable?

"If my family and I lived on a larger spot of land and had more funds I would love to be able to grow my own garden and have my house run by solar power."

  • Any reservations / concerns about sustainability?

"My main concern is that in Southern Ontario everyone lives in a "me first society" and that they are not going to be sustainable if it does not benefit them first. I am also concerned about the lack of participation against this issue."

  • Are you more likely to choose businesses that are more sustainable than its competitors?

"Yes I am more likely to purchase items from a business if it is more sustainable. Sadly I do not check all the time for the most sustainable company when I am out with my kids quickly picking up items because of their young age and need for constant attention."