Prototype Work In Progress`

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Journal Entry For
Warm Up Exercise
In the following I would like to look at my work in progress, how I did the work and how I got to my solution.


First of all, I brainstormed ideas. I focused on creating as many possible ideas as possible and tried to not judge them. What I recognized is that I found a lot of ideas which were related to the aspects I saw around me (chair, table, buildings, doors) or to experiences I made in the previous days (flight to the US, first impressions at Stanford, the US culture).

However, I generate the idea when I was at Walmart. I recognized how annoying it was to wait for the cashiers and I asked myself how it is possible that we live in such an advanced world but still are fine waiting in the shopping line. Or are we fine with it? What if we just got used to it and we are not critically enough about it? I started to ask myself very fundamental questions about the way we do shopping. For me as someone who focuses on efficiency very often it is difficult to accept how long we wait in shopping lines. I started to think intensively about ideas on how to redesign the pay station.


My first idea was to have a cashier included all the time providing the best possible customer experience.


This lead to the idea of a cashier being included in the shopping cart. However, this would probably increase material use and is not really sustainable. The next idea was a huge pay station at the exit of the market.


However, meanwhile this might be efficient, also in regard to resource efficiency, this would again may cause waiting lines. Consequently, I focused my further approaches on ways how to combine the advantages of the first two ideas: That is, the individuality of the first design but the resource efficiency of the second one. I was looking for a solution that had it all. Finally, I reflected that I need to focus more on answering where the resources should come from and rearrange the components which were necessary and may already exist in the system. My goal was to have a circular system. This way I came up with the idea that energy must come from solar, followed by the goal to keep the components of the materials in the system. That is, the barcode scanners and the monitors. I wanted to keep the dynamic of a person walking in the market and intimidate it in a technical way. I inspired myself on Ford who invented the production line. This way the conveyor belts came into play combining everything leading towards a holistic approach.


When I reflect what I did I see that I iteratively found myself towards the solution and adapted older versions over and over again, step by step.

Lecture 2:

One sentence about myself:

The sun went down, already a lot behind but there are miles to go before I sleep.

What did I see:

The contrast made everything more rich and value

I saw a sculpture, the green gras

Everything seemed fascinating

Lego: what emotions did we feel?

challenging at the beginning, will I succeed to build it? Then, afterwards happiness and enthusiasm (upload picture)