
Link to Student
Journal Entry For
  1. Do you open all of the mail you receive including junk mail?
  2. Are you very busy to the point where you go some days without picking up your mail?
  3. Do you prefer looking at advertisements through email or hands-on mail?
  4. If you are not old enough to let mail concern you, do you hear your parents/guardians ever complain or have thoughts about the mail they receive?

Student in Sustainability Design Thinking

Response: Prefer On-line. Wouldn’t want physical unless it is something he really needs

Gets mixed up with the neighbors, lot of junk mail that is just junk mail

Neighbor in Woodside

  1. They open all of their mail
  2. Some days are too busy and come to an overcrowded mail box
  3. Prefer looking at advertisements through email (could be because they are younger)


  1. Open all of their mail
  2. Always pick up mail daily and get a lot
  3. Prefer physical advertisement because can’t deal with technology though they do not let advertisements concern them because they never go out and feel no need to purchase things aside from gifts


  • Feels that so much is wasted and wishes there could be a way for less paper to be delivered (though he still does believe his job is important and wants to deliver the essentials

Young Friend

  • Does not receive enough mail to let the issue concern him
  • When he overhears his parents looking through the mail he does hear his parents say “junk” quite frequently
  • He notices a lot gets disposed in the recycle bin