Module 2 - Field Research Station

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  • Your Name (type the first few letter of your name, then select yourself in the list of linked records)
  • Paste a link to the model that you uploaded to your ACC folder in the ACC Link field.

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This research station is approximately 500 square feet and is meant to accommodate three scientists. There is a front entrance which leads to the main work room where there are three desks, a lab table, and a meeting area. Additionally, the building also has a bathroom and storage room.

To simplify construction, the floor slab is rectangular, and all walls are built at right angles. The window area on the south face of the building is maximized to allow for passive solar heating while the window area on the east, west, and north faces is minimized to reduce heat loss. Finally, the building features a gable roof, with a large area tilted south, for solar panels.