Interview #4

Jun 23, 2021 1:16 PM
Submitted By
Aya Hashimi
Property 4
Property 5

Who Did You Interview?

  • A Friend

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • 22 years old
  • Graduate student mastering in Business Administration
  • Lives in large city

Key Findings from the Interview

  • How would you describe your lifestyle and stance when it comes to sustainability?
  • ➡️ She explains she’s not the most sustainable person as she isn’t very environmentally aware. For instance, she rarely recycles her waste and she always relies on her gasoline fueled car for commuting. However, she claims that she often assesses her spending and consumption habits and tries to make them more sustainable. For example, she used to notice her excessive use of plastic straws, and so she then decided to purchase a reusable metal straw.

  • Based on what you previously answered, what other spending habits did you alter to become more sustainable?
  • ➡️ She wanted to do something about the fact that most of her spending goes to fashion industries that most definitely rely on non-sustainable ways in their production and transportation processes. She then shifted her fashion spending on clothing made of sustainable material, in addition to purchasing second-hand items from thrift shops. She is also trying to purchase vegan and cruelty-free beauty products, as worldwide brands are shifting their production techniques into more sustainable ones.

  • Did you experience difficulty in shifting your fashion spending from known brands to thrift shops and sustainable companies?
  • ➡️ She says that it was definitely difficult for her at first since she was altering a habit that she’s had for years. She was trying her best to avoid stores that she previously relied on and at the same time look for new stores that match her “sustainable spending” goal. However, she admits that time gave her a hang of it and she is now more aware about which stores serve her needs.