Screenshot of Model Geometry
Modeling Approach
Planning (1)
The shelter is designed to be a small stage cover for an outdoor venue. I looked at different kinds of stage designs to start.
Defining Geometry and Placing Structure’s Elements (2)
Here is a picture of the entire Dynamo script I created for reference:
Adding Dynamic Geometry (5)
I settled on a parabolic design that utilizes 3 waves that all have parametric features. This design makes it so that the crowd facing parabola, middle height, and back parabola are easily manipulated without affecting other features. I created curves along the points of the 3 parabolic equations.
Providing Ways to Parametrically Resize or Rescale Structure (3)
I added the 3 lists of curves created and added them into one list to make it easier to divide each one into the same number of ribs. I also divided the curves based on the number of ribs I wanted to include.
I then set the rib type to a Tube - 3pt - Flexible Family Type. I added a parametric element to each radius point so that I can change each one easily. For example, if I wanted to go back and add more support to the higher arching front parabola, then I can increase the radius of the ribs with the number slider for Point1Radius.
Provide A Way to Change the Number of Adaptive Components (4)
By using the list of the number of ribs desired based on the adjustment slider, I created a list of quads along the rib points to place adaptive panels. I created a number slider that designates the number of panel points that I want to use. In the design I took pictures of, I used a relatively low amount of panels along each of the rib points so that I could experiment with bigger shadow effects.
Create a Simple Pattern Design with Panels (7)
Then created a pattern with the panels that divides the number of panel list of elements into their designation in the list as an even of odd numbered element. This means that the panels will alternate in features based on their designation which creates more of a “checkerboard design”.
Parametrically Change the Appearance of Panels (6)
I added parameters for each element of the Rect_Panel with Reusable Opening Glazing elements which included adjustable Panel Thickness, Frame Width Percentage, and Frame Height Percentage. Since I wanted the features to alternate, I created separate parameters for each of the even or odd numbered panels.
Overall Design
For a concert in the middle of the day, lighting is not used, but the design creates shadows to act as a lighting effect.