Part 1
For Part 1 of this assignment, I used a twisting rectangular tower. The following base parameters were set.
New floors were created, and the mass element was divided into mass floors.
Next, the building height parameter was flexed, and the resulting gross surface areas and gross floor areas were reported. To do this, the building form was selected, and the input and reported parameters were set. The building height was flexed from 500 ft to 1000 ft by increments of 100 ft.
The custom was used to test each value.
The results were then exported to Excel.
The following results were generated and summarized in the table below.
Part 2
For part 2, I created a building mass using the template twisting tower with 3 profiles. I made the top and bottom profiles rounded triangles, and I created a new rectangular mass profile for the middle to create a more interesting shape. Once again, mass floors were created. In this mass, the top rotation, top depth, top height, mid depth, mid width, mid height, mid rotation, base rotation, and base depth can all be flexed.
Next, similar logic was used to flex the top height and mid height and test various combinations. First, the building form was selected, and the input parameters were set up as well as the two parameters to be reported.
All of the various combinations of the top height and mid height values to be tested were then joined together into a list.
The custom node was used to test the different combination of input variables and report the resulting gross floor areas and gross surface areas.
Lastly, the results from both parameters were exported into an excel file.
The results are summarized in the table below.