Your Name
- Achievable through building envelope choices
Wall construction: R38 Wood
Window-to-Wall Ratio:
Southern wall-30%, Northern wall-BIM(2%), Western wall-30%, Eastern wall-BIM
Thermal Properties of Glazing Surfaces for each orientation:
South-Dbl LoE, North-Trp LoE, West-Trp LoE, East-Trp LoE
Window Shading amount for each orientation: default
- Achievable through building envelope + power & lighting choices
- Achievable through adding Photovoltaic panels to the mix
Plug Load Efficiency: 0.6W/sf
Lighting Efficiency: 0.3W/sf
Daylighting & Occupancy Controls: Daylighting & Occupancy Controls
Surface Coverage: 90%
Panel Efficiency: 20.4%
Payback Limit (how many years you will allow for the panels to pay for themselves: 30 year