Module 4 - Peter Harijanto

  • Originally the image I chose was inspired by a meme my friends and I enjoyed. However I decided to switch as the image was not as high quality given the curved geometry so I switched to Nyan Cat.
  • Original photo
  • Design with original picture
  • Design With Nyan Cat
  • Below is the code I used to plot the image on the surface. I used the the “Surface Closest Point” function to input UV points into the Image Sampler. To be able to flip it I used the “Pick and Choose” function to multiple the UV points by either 1 of -1 which would effectively flip the image. To mirror I changed the domain of the image sampler from “0 to 1” to “1 to 0”.
  • Flipped Image
  • Mirrored Image
  • I also created an extrude and color feature. I connected my u and v point sliders to create and area that can be colored and extruded. The division is used to control the different patterns of colors that show up by controlling the number of surfaces that are colored. I used a vector to control the degree to which the colored panels get extruded. I then plugged the length into randomizer and RGB functions to create the colors.
  • Colored umbrella no patterns
  • Colored Umbrella with pattern
  • Umbrella with patter and extrusion