Journal Entry For
Module 5/6 - Building Layout & Circulation Systems
For 2 units
For this check-in you’ll create:
- Space Budget — a list that identifies the functions and dimensions of all the programmed spaces in your proposed design.
Module 5 Space Budget Spreadsheet - Gogola.xlsx32.1KB
- Building Layout — a sketch or bubble diagram that shows the spaces in your proposed design with the connections between them as well as connections to exterior spaces.
- Building Model — an initial building model. This first model will have a very low level of detail (LOD 200), using generic walls to indicate the preliminary sizes and locations of the major programmed spaces (based on your space budget and building layout diagram). Include the:
- Exterior Walls — use generic walls to indicate the preliminary location of the exterior wall surfaces (don’t worry about modeling the windows, glazing features, and materials now -- you’ll do that next week in Module 7).
- Interior Walls — use generic walls to indicate the preliminary location of the interior wall surfaces (again, don’t worry about modeling the interior doors and architectural features -- you’ll do that in future weeks as you continue to design and refine your model).