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The first limitation that I found was the total area of 25,000 sq ft. I found it very logical to extend the building shape and try to make it as geometric as possible. I eliminated the roof of the existing building and the outside path to make a more geometric building when incorporating the new construction.
The second step was founding a correct stacking of levels considering the total area limitation. I was very close to the limit, but I was happy it was under and I like the design a lot. The different shapes one on top of another creating terraces for outdoor entertainment.
Finally the area distribution considering all the requested spaces and giving more importance to staking restrooms, stairs and elevators in the same wing of the building, so they can repeat the same Lobby on all levels of the project. I think the third floor really meets the clients expectations, being a big room with no walls nor columns to divide the space. The rest of the areas I found them very useful as a collaborative environment.