
Structure 1

Structure 2
Structure 1
Structure 1 was created from a provided Revit mass family. I modified the angle of the middle “rectangle” as shown:

Step 1:
Creating a range of angles to be used. I did this by creating a list of variables.
Step 2: Creating custom Node
My custom node took the element, parameter name, and then output parameter names as inputs. I used the Element.Setparameterbyname node to change the mid rotation of the tower as needed. To feed in parameters one by one, I sued the list.map function in conjunction with my custom node.I used the tansaction start and end nodes to ensure that Revit collected the required output values for each inpu fed in.
Step 3: Exportin results into an excel file
I used the data.exporttoexcel node to export the data to excel.
Structure 2
I modeled a tower using a series of circles of various radii extruded into one large tower. The hights of each different circle is fixed, but the radii changed. In this case, I decided to change radius 2 and radius 4 of my circles.
I followed similar logic to structure 1 above. One major difference was in combining inpu radii to form pairs of inpus. I did this by using the list.cartesian product node.