Design Project 2 | Team Work Plans

Journal Entry For
Project 2 - Team Work Plan
Map Out your Team’s Plan for the Week

Project 2 Brief: Design Project 2 | Project BriefDesign Project 2 | Project Brief

For this second design project, you’ll again use these steps of the design thinking process:

  • empathizing - surveying, interviewing, or observing community members to understand their needs
  • defining -- identifying several potential problem / opportunity areas and developing point of view statements for each area
  • ideating - brainstorming using divergent and convergent thinking to generate potential strategies for addressing the needs identified in your selected point of view, then defining your team’s minimal viable design features
  • prototyping -- creating very rough prototypes of the essential design features to explore and illustrate the user experience and functionality of your proposed design
  • testing - observing community members as they test your design prototypes, then iterating and refining your design ideas
  • sharing -- presenting your prototypes, design thinking steps, and your evaluation of the effectiveness and impact of your proposed design


Work plan done by End-of-Class Wednesday
Attend Friday, July 28th office hours 430-530pm to review concepts
Project 2 Interviews DUE SATURDAY @Hisham Ahmad @ABHAY @Thomas More Riordan
POV Statements: [USER] needs to [USER'S NEED] because [SURPRISING INSIGHT]
  • this will tell us what we’re trying to provide (needs)
  • What are the insights that come from the POV drafts?
  • In POV we need to distill those needs into a statement. For example:
    • Professors need more ________ when on campus.
    • Students need to have ___________ at their schools, because today ___________ is more important than ever.

Harvey Created these steps for the process:
