Anthony Gogola - Module 5

First, I began with choosing a tower form from the shared library. I decided to choose the Twisting Triangular Mass because of its curved design and aesthetic appeal to my eyes. I thought it would be creative to create a form inverse to what is typically seem in the word; we normally see a larger base structure as it gets slimmer the higher we travel. I adjusted the family to increase the top radius while simultanesouly decreasing the bottom radium to some extent. I hope that this design would still be structurally sound toppling at the maximum height parameter of 750 feet tall. As the sun passes over, the top floors extending out like a cantilever arm act as an awning to provide shade to floors beneath it allowing the building to keep a lower heat temperature; a smaller lower design means less space for heat to increase the inside temperature and rise to the top of the building where it will be dissipated by the massive floow area and the cooler floors. It would also allow for a larger number of people to experience beautiful top floor views such as in a city…like Chicago!😊


Then, I added in a rectangular mass to ensure that the structure fit within the given plan view parameters of 450 feet…

…by 300 feet…

…as indicated in the following two images of…the top (North) side of the previous photo…

…and the bottom (South) side of the previous photo.

Using Dynamo, I varied the height of my structure from 300 to 750 feet by intervals of 90 fet to reach the 6 test cases of evaluating the gross floor area and the gross surface area.

I took Glenn’s advice and looked into special nodes to compress the code utilizing my parameter values, starting and stopping, and exporting it back to the dynamo node.

Finally, after finishing the Dymano script, I was able to export every instance required for analysis into Excel including the Height Parameters tested and the Gross Floor Area and Gross Surface Area determined.

The following image is the Revit property of my Twisting Triangular Mass. As you can see in the photo below and compare with the photo above, my height, floow area, and surface area all match indicating a successful model within the 1,200,000-1,500,000 square feet requirement of new floor area and the site development limits.

Each of my files can be found in my linked ACC subfolder for Module 5