Gonzalo Barreto

Please enter the following info in the fields above:

  • Your Name (type the first few letter of your name, then select yourself in the list of linked records)
  • There's no need to upload your model individually this week!  You'll be working on a shared Cloud Revit model hosted in ACC Documents.

Images of My Changes to the Shared Cloud Model

Please paste two screenshots here:

  • an image of the new 3D view you added to the shared model in Revit with a brief text annotation describing the changes.
  • image
  • a screenshot of the ACC Documents model viewer showing the comparison between the version that you published (uploaded) versus the prior version.
  • image


The modeled additions (DEMO file) to the building were adding an array of skylights for rooms spanning the East - West direction. This changes the shape of the roof (appears yellow in the model comparison screenshot) and appears as green due to the new components added to the model. Other components like a spiral staircase, railings, and an exterior wall formation were added to the model by other collaborators.