Images of Your 3 Design Proposals
Side-By-Side Comparisons of Your Analysis Results

Your Recommendation for the “Best” Design Option
Between Proposals 2 and 3, I'm undecided. The great thing about Proposal 2 is that it gets plenty of sunlight throughout the day. But I'm worried that there might not be enough room on the roof for the solar panels I had in mind.
Proposal 3, on the other hand, presents an appealing concept of placing pillars at the corners of the building's levels to produce a wavy roof. With this type of roof, I can add a lot of solar panels. Additionally, this design enables green spaces to be added to the top of the building, offering people outdoor areas and shade. Upon thorough analysis of the two proposals, I am particularly drawn to Proposal 3 because of its potential for creativity and adaptability.
Here is the sketch I am thinking of for the roof. This is a rough sketch of the idea I had in mind.