Jimmy Yang

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Journal Entry For
Module 8 - Make Your Pitch
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Project Pitch: AwareHouse

Intended users

  • warehouse owners
  • potential clients looking to build a warehouse
  • construction crews planning out where to lay out their equipment and material when constructing a warehouse
  • Interfacing with other disciplines (electrical, mechanical, HVAC teams) to discuss the positioning of equipment

Need you’re trying to provide a solution or support for

It can be difficult to visualize what a project will look like at the conceptual stages. This applet will serve to bridge that gap between what the client desires and what can be built.

This tool aims to create a visual interface to help people understand the size and scale of a warehouse and how large the structural elements will be with respect to the entire building. Then, users will be able to use this as a basis to place additional elements, equipment, and services inside to suit their needs, now with a better understanding of the building layout.


  • Building dimensions
  • Cladding type
  • Truss/no truss support system
  • Roof Slope

Underlying logic of the model you’ll implement

This tool will use ACI 318 design guidelines to size beams and columns and implement this logic using generative design tools. The user will have the option to specify certain architectural features of the warehouse such as building cladding, roof slope, and overall dimensions.


  • Building costs
  • Usable volume and floor area
  • Construction material volume
  • Overall building geometry and visuals