Link to Design Team
Journal Entry For
Project 3 - MVP and MVP Plus
Aug 7, 2024 10:58 PM
Last edited by
Warren Huang
Last Edited
Aug 15, 2024 8:28 AM
Please paste links to PDF versions of your 24x36 posters here by Wed, Aug 14 at 9am.
Key Designs/Aspects steering our vision
- Preserving historic monuments & architecture
- Self-sustaining through renewable energy (solar energy, hydroelectric, etc)
- Integrating human design thinking
- Integration of 2054 technology (moving city, fitted together like a puzzle, etc)
- Environmentally positive for nature (better than environmentally friendly)
- A full fledged city that accommodates a growing population of 26.2k
- A city that is capable of splitting apart so that we can pass through the Strait of Otranto if necessary (think like Lego building blocks)
- Ocean turbines underneath the city which acts as both motors and steering
- buildings that represent the traditional architecture of Venice
- transportation system (metro systems and gondolas)
- fish farm anchor that collects fish and crabs
- coral reefs under the bottom of the island
- meeting area/hub in the middle of the island connecting all of the sections of the island, also creating a culture hub to preserve Venetian culture.
- gondolas as transportation
- floating gardens
- Entertainment hub with waterslides and snorkelling gear
- underwater rooms and tunnels to observe the underwater ecosystems, with underwater restaurants
- Bioluminescent pathways glowing at night and use kinetic energy during the day to power buildings
- underwater museum that can be visited, scuba diving or submarined (old Venice)
(we do not have to include all but maybe we could choose the best ones)