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Part - 1 Rounded Triangle Shape Selected which twists along its height
Above is the comparison of 6 different design options. Here Height is a variable. However, from the dynamo model user can change the Base Radius and Degree of rotation using a slider if they want.
The location for the site is selected to San Francisco.
Dynamo model - step by step
Here - Create custom node is edited for 3 inputs and 3 outputs
Family Constrained are added as below.
As you can see all 3 parameters Gross floor area, Gross surface area and Gross volumes are exported to Excel using dynamo.
Part 2 - New Building form of Custom design - Merging Circular Base with Rounded Triangular mid-height section which changes to Triangular section at the top
New family is created as shown below.
Here Degree of twist and Height are the variables, For a combination of those two variables 15 different design options are generated using dynamo.