Which types of structural framing systems and materials are most commonly used in the US for residences? For office buildings?
What factors determine why these are the most used materials?
Why do different teams of designers and subcontractors link and share their models during the design process?
What are the advantages of linking models? Linking models allows teams to simultaneously work with the design model without changing other teams’ input. Linking models during the design process helps ensure that different teams work with the latest design option. Linking models allow to perform clash detection to eliminate any design issues.
Are there any disadvantages to linking models? It is essential to keep models up-to-date to make sure that different teams adjusting their design in a timely manner.
How do you think design coordination was done before we started using digital models?
What advantages does doing this coordination digitally have over previous methods?
What strategies can design teams use to find and avoid clashes prior to the start of construction?
What can be done besides sharing the models digitally? Clash detection is a tool that allows to detect clashes digitally prior to the start of construction. GCs and subcontractors can review reports with issues and work in collaboration with design teams to eliminate those issues and adjust the design accordingly. This way a lot of clashes can be avoided prior to start of construction.
At what point in the project development process should design coordination start?
Is it ever too early? Design coordination should start as early as possible depending on the project delivery method. The only stage when there is not much coordination needed is conceptual phase. As soon as the major stakeholders approved the project coordination should begin. Ideally, design team, general contractor and subcontractors should work together starting design development stage.