Adam Banga

Please enter the following info in the fields above:

  • Your Name as the Card title
  • The link to your Module 3 folder in our Autodesk Construction Cloud project

Please also type the first few letters of your first name into the Link to Student field, then hover over your name from the list of matching records and click the blue plus sign to link this entry to your Design Journal.

Then, share your Design Journal entry here (replacing these instructions) ... Click the text area below the headers and just start typing your response. There's no need to add new properties.

Please include:

  • A screenshot of your model geometry
  • A few sentences describing your modeling approach
  • A brief description of your design outlining the parameters that can be used to flex and dynamically change your structure

Final Model Geometry



In the beginning of this assignment I knew that I wanted to create a hyperbolic shape with multiple curves. My initial thoughts were images like this:


I took inspiration from numerous things first off being a riding horse saddle. I then found the building the Bosjes Chapel which you can see in the following picture:


I was heavily influenced by the smooth curves and elegant roof structure developed in this structure. In my initial design I replicated this building very closely. However, I knew the assignment wanted us to create a covering for a bus stop or picnic area. I knew that I wanted to elevate this structure to make it more walkable underneath. I then got the idea of combining the aesthetic of a tree with this structure to make a modernized and wave like approach to the canopy of a large tree. Thus my final design and idea was born to create a tree like canopy with the “leaf canopy” emulating the roof the Bosses Chapel.

Design Approach

In order to begin this design I started with three backbone curves. I made the first two curves and then translated the first curve in the y direction to make the third.

These curves were generated with 5 points in sin wave like pattern and then fitted with a nubs curve. In the future I would make these curves more customizable by using a sin function. This is a place I can do further work on this model to refine this point. The curves can be shown to be developed with the below code blocks which came out not as neat as I was hoping for.

Each backbone curve is made up of 5 points as can be seen with the points by coordinates block. These points are customizable however as they are all a function of the initial starting point and height. The curves although will always have a static 5 humps due to the emulation of the Bosjses Chapel, they can be stretched, elevated, and the amplitude can be adjusted. This represents full customizability in how these three backbone curves look.

Creation of the Loft Surface

After the nurbs curves were created for each group of 5 points, I then created a list of those curves and then made a loft surface. Once these loft surfaces were made, I used them to make a grid of points which were adjustable in the amount of them. These grid of points were utilized to both place panels and to place adaptive beams across the backbone curves.

One Uv grid mandated n number of points in the x direction and 3 number of points in the y direction. This UV grid was for the beams. The other UV grid as mentioned before use an n x n number of points to create a square grid of panels.

Placing the Adaptive Panels

With the UV grid set for the adaptive families. This list was not a list of four points rather it was a list of points along a curve. So I had to transform this list into a list of a list of four points. I transformed the list into four points using the function block QuadsfromRectangularGrid. This function block creates that list of list of four points. However it creates one extra list which so the list needs to be flattened by one. After this is done we can use the AdaptiveComponentsbyPoint block to take these list of list of four points and place our rectangular seamless panels.

Placing the Ribs

The other UV grid with creates an nx3 gird is used to create the points for the ribs of the model. With a list of list of 3 points for the ribs created we can then use again the block of AdaptiveComponentsbyPoint and use the adaptive beam -3pt family to place the rib geometries. The ribs are the highlighted blue components as can be seen in the below image.

Creating the Revit families for the Three Backbone Curves

The three backbone curves are then created in refit by taking each list of points for the backbone curve and then making another list with the first item removed. For each backbone curve we know have two lists of points one which has all the points and one which has all the points with the first point removed. We then create a list of both of these points and transpose them to create a new list which has a list of pairs. This will allow us to place tubes along the lengths of the backbones. Notes in creating this we also need to erase the last point as it is paired with a null value. The revit family used for this is the tube 2 pt family.


Completion of the Canopy

All the aforementioned code then completes the canopy portion of the tree.

Creating the Trunk

The trunk was simply created by making another point directly below and tied to the middle point of the middle curve at a z value of 0. The trunk was then created with the Revit family of tube with two different start and end radius.



There is a lot of adjustability and modification for the model that can be done. The height of the canopy can be adjusted as well as the amplitude of the wave and the length/width of the canopy. The base radius of the tree can be modified to be skinnier or thicker. The number of adaptive rib beams can be modified as well as the number of adaptive panels. There is a lot to parametrically change and do as you so please. Below are some sample images of different configurations.

Note: Upon writing this on Friday April 21, the adaptive panel slider for some reason pops up with errors at random number panels as an input. For example, 15x15, 25x25, 30x30 number of panels all work and are place in refit. However inputting 20x20 panels comes up with the below error. I am discussing this with Glenn at this time and upon a resolution will update this portion as I am unsure what the fault is.

  • shorter trunk
  • Taller trunk and 15x15 adaptive panels
  • more panels in 25x25 grid
  • image
  • Less ribs, and smaller size of canopy as well as more pronunciation in the curviness of the canopy.