The domain that I’d like to focus on is….
I have two domains that I am currently interested to explore more - carbon services (e.g. carbon offset, accounting) and waste management.
For carbon services, I am interested in looking at the idea of carbon offsets and how they can be integrated with individual, business and national climate targets. This remains to be a contentious space as opponents of carbon services view them as a means for greenwashing climate pledges, and ultimately as an inadequate solution to the climate problem. However, I feel that rather than disparaging these solutions, we should see them as a complement to existing climate solutions, especially since green technologies (such as green hydrogen, CCUs) are still nascent.
This area is important/interesting to me because….
This area is of personal interest as I interned at a company where we hosted an accelerator for waste-tech startups, covering solutions for plastic and electronic waste across the value chain - production, consumption and disposal.