Module 4 - Rise or Shine
For this assignment, I elected to simplify some of the original curve parameters by removing the sine wave functions in Module 3. Doing this step allowed me to reflect my chosen image clearer on the structural surface as it eliminates the undulating curves that could potentially distort the image. The eventual image engrained on the structure panels in Revit is as indicated below:
The overall chart depicting the image translation and overwriting process in Dynamo is as follows:
To create the image on the structural surface, the user can define the number of UV panels required on the structural surface. These panels are then mapped to the image and transposed onto the structural component.
Since I am taking this class for 2 units, I included boolean functions so that the user can change the orientation of the image. To do this, I provided 2 additional functions for the use to flip the image horizontally or vertically as depicted below: